msha hoisting regulations

(2) Only properly secured nonsparking equipment in the cargo space with the explosives. Category I is divided into Subcategories I-A, I-B, and I-C as follows: (i) Subcategory I-A applies to mines that operate within a combustible ore body and liberate methane and in which, (A) A concentration of 0.25 percent or more methane has been detected in the mine atmosphere and confirmed by laboratory analysis; or, (ii) Subcategory I-B applies to mines that operate within a combustible ore body and have the potential to liberate methane based on the history of the mine or geological area in which the mine is located and in which, (A) A concentration of 0.25 percent or more methane has not been detected in the mine atmosphere; and. (d) Mine power transformers and stationary equipment not approved by MSHA under the applicable requirements of 30 CFR parts 18 through 36 shall be installed in fresh air or downwind from an atmospheric methane monitor sensor. Copies of these publications may be examined at any Metal and Nonmetal Mine Safety and Health District Office; at MSHA's Office of Standards, Regulations, and Variances, 201 12th Street South, Arlington, VA 222025452; 2026939440; or at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). Railed landings, backguards, and other protection for fixed ladders. (e) Plastic tubes shall not be used as hole liners if the hole contains an electric detonator. Regulation Y The records shall be made available to the Secretary or his authorized representative. 57.19101 Stopblocks and derail switches. (b) Where there is evidence that the ground at a dumping location may fail to support the mobile equipment, loads shall be dumped a safe distance back from the edge of the unstable area of the bank. 57.19003 Driving mechanism connections. Inspection and maintenance of carriers (including loading and unloading mechanisms), ropes and supports, and brakes shall be performed by competent persons according to the recommendations of the manufacturer. Title 30 was last amended 4/20/2023. Flexible ventilation tubing shall not exceed 250 feet in length. 57.12030 Correction of dangerous conditions. (d) The diameter of finishing bits shall be within a tolerance of plus or minus 0.030 inch of the manufacturer's recommended hole diameter for the anchor used. Switch throws shall be installed to provide clearance to protect switchmen from contact with moving trains. Materials in a shaft, raise, or winze that could be ignited by hot metal or sparks. Rock burst means a sudden and violent failure of overstressed rock resulting in the instantaneous release of large amounts of accumulated energy. Laminated partition means a partition composed of the following material and minimum nominal dimensions: 12-inch-thick plywood, 12-inch-thick gypsum wallboard, 18-inch-thick low carbon steel, and 14-inch-thick plywood, bonded together in that order (IME22 Box). (1) All persons other than competent persons necessary to make the ventilation changes shall be withdrawn from affected areas; (2) Electrical power shall be deenergized in affected areas, except power to monitoring equipment determined by MSHA to be intrinsically safe under 30 CFR part 18; and. The instruction shall be given by MSHA personnel or by persons who are certified by the District Manager of the area in which the mine is located. (a) Mine operators shall notify the appropriate MSHA District Manager of all nonapproved explosive materials and blasting units to be used prior to their use. Continuous clearance of at least 30 inches from the farthest projection of moving railroad equipment shall be provided on at least one side of the tracks at all locations where possible or the area shall be marked conspicuously. 57.22216 Separation of intake and return air (I-C mines). Travelway. Copies are available at MSHA's Office of Standards, Regulations, and Variances, 201 12th Street South, Arlington, VA 222025452; 2026939440; and at all Metal and Nonmetal Mine Safety and Health District Offices, or available for examination at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). Precautions for work in compartment affected by hoisting operation. 57.4463 Liquefied petroleum gas use underground. Operating speeds and control of equipment. Any substance classified as an explosive by the Department of Transportation in 49 CFR 173.53, 173.88, and 173.100. Frame grounding or equivalent protection shall be provided for mobile equipment powered through trailing cables. (a) Whenever self-propelled equipment is used underground, a fire extinguisher shall be on the equipment. (3) Shield the activity so that hot metal and sparks cannot cause a fire. 57.22202 Main fans (I-A, I-B, I-C, II-A, III, V-A, and V-B mines). Operating controls shall be installed so that they can be operated without danger of contact with energized conductors. (3) A copy of the Administrator's determination. Blasting area means the area near blasting operations in which concussion or flying material can reasonably be expected to cause injury. (b) Mobile equipment, other than forklifts, carrying loads that project beyond the sides or more than four feet beyond the rear of the equipment shall have a warning flag at the end of the projection. Identity of PLHCP and most recent written determination of miner's ability to wear a respirator. No such engineer, however, shall be required for automatically operated cages, platforms, or elevators. The employer must provide each operator-in-training with sufficient training, through a combination of formal and practical instruction, to ensure that the operatorin- training develops the skills, knowledge, and ability to recognize and avert risk necessary to operate the equipment safely for assigned work. This content is from the eCFR and is authoritative but unofficial. (i) Seat belt maintenance. Main intake and return air currents shall be coursed through separate mine openings and shall be separated throughout the mine, except. Crosscuts before abandonment (III mines). A warning that is audible above the surrounding noise level shall be sounded, (b) When trains approach persons, crossing, other trains on adjacent tracks; and. (b) All welding operations shall be well-ventilated. (d) If the monitoring system is inoperable or malfunctions, the mine shall be ventilated for at least 45 minutes and the mine power shall be deenergized before persons enter the mine. Appendix I to Subpart T of Part 57Standard Applicability by Category or Subcategory, Cartridge-Operated Water and/or Antifreeze, Dry-Chemical, Stored Pressure, with Mild Steel Shells, Brazed Brass Shells, or Aluminum Shells, Dry-Chemical, Cartridge or Cylinder Operated, with Mild Steel Shells, Dry-Powder, Cartridge or Cylinder-Operated, with Mild Steel Shells, Welding or cutting with an electric arc or open flame. (d) Provided with compressed air lines, waterlines, suitable handtools, and stopping materials. Persons shall not enter the mine until ventilating air has passed over the blast area and through at least one atmospheric monitoring sensor. Machinery or equipment motion or activation is permitted to the extent that adjustments or testing cannot be performed without motion or activation, provided that persons are effectively protected from hazardous motion. Fire protection shall be of a type, size, and quantity that can extinguish fires of any class in their early stages which could occur as a result of the fire hazards present. Any sample taken by Federal or State mine inspectors, which represents exposure to miners and reported to the operator within three days of being taken, shall be included in the average concentration; except that if the mine operator samples simultaneously with the inspector, he may use his own sample results. Geological area means an area characterized by the presence of the same ore bodies, the same stratigraphic sequence of beds, or the same ore-bearing geological formation. 57.22601 Blasting from the surface (I-A mines). Power circuits shall be deenergized before work is done on such circuits unless hot-line tools are used. (e) In electric blasting prior to connecting to the power source, and in nonelectric blasting prior to attaching an initiating device, all persons shall leave the blast area except persons in a blasting shelter or other location that protects them from concussion (shock wave), flying material, and gases. (b) During development of openings to the surface. 57.4230 Surface self-propelled equipment. (c) Flammable or combustible liquids in use for day-to-day maintenance and operational activities are not considered in storage under this standard. The oxygen intake coupling on jet piercing drills shall be constructed so that only the oxygen hose can be coupled to it. When a locomotive on one track is used to move rail equipment on adjacent tracks, a chain, cable, or drawbar shall be used which is capable of withstanding the loads to which it could be subjected. For rope lengths 3,000 feet or greater: Minimum Value = Static Load 4.0. (a) Of fire-resistant construction, preferably in untimbered areas of the mine; (b) Large enough to accommodate readily the normal number of persons in the particular area of the mine; (c) Constructed so they can be made gastight; and. These records, if retained by the operator, shall be open for inspection by the Secretary of Labor, his authorized representative, and authorized representatives of the official mine inspection agency of the State in which the mine is located. 57.19108 Posting warning signs during shaft work. The term promptly means before the end of the next shift during which a qualified mechanic is scheduled to work. Hoisting signal devices shall be positioned within easy reach of persons on the shaft bottom or constantly attended by a person stationed on the lower deck of the sinking platform. (b) Only work necessary to remove a misfire and protect the safety of miners engaged in the removal shall be permitted in the affected area until the misfire is disposed of in a safe manner. 57.22313 Explosion-protection systems (I-C mines). Permanent splices and repairs made in power cables, including the ground conductor where provided, shall be. (b) Packaged blasting agents shall be stored in a magazine or other facility which is ventilated to prevent dampness and excessive heating, weather-resistant, and locked or attended. Box 2900, Fairfield, New Jersey 07007, Phone: 8008432763 (toll free);, and the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors, 1055 Crupper Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43229. When a train is under the direction of a brakeman and the train operator cannot clearly recognize the brakeman's signals, the train operator shall bring the train to a stop. (1) Are positioned to prevent persons from falling on or against the conveyor; (2) Will be able to withstand the vibration, shock, and wear to which they will be subjected during normal operation; and. At installation, the nominal strength (manufacturer's published catalog strength) of wire ropes used for hoisting shall meet the minimum rope strength values obtained by the following formulas in which L equals the maximum suspended rope length in feet: (a) Winding drum ropes (all constructions, including rotation resistant). NFPA No. Control of employee exposure to harmful airborne contaminants shall be, insofar as feasible, by prevention of contamination, removal by exhaust ventilation, or by dilution with uncontaminated air. Certifications and records shall be retained for one year. (b) If methane reaches 1.0 percent at a main exhaust fan, electrical power underground shall be deenergized, except power to monitoring equipment determined by MSHA to be intrinsically safe under 30 CFR part 18, and all persons shall be withdrawn from the mine. Such device shall not release the brake, or brakes, holding the overtravelled conveyance or counterbalance until sufficient drive motor torque has been developed to assure movement of the conveyance or counterbalance in the correct direction only. Misfire means the complete or partial failure of a blasting charge to explode as planned. PDF Federal MSHA Regulations (30 CFR 75 - Department of Environmental 57.22005 Notice and appeal of placement or change in placement. Storage or dry cell batteries are not permitted as power sources. (c) When a condition that may adversely affect safety or health is corrected, the examination record shall include, or be supplemented to include, the date of the corrective action. (d) Fuse shall be cut and capped in dry locations. Belt, rope, or chains shall not be used to connect driving mechanisms to man hoists. When a laminated partition is used, operators must follow the provisions of IME Safety Library Publication No. 57.22239 Actions at 2.0 percent methane (IV mines). (b) Spotters shall use signal lights to direct trucks where visibility is limited. Lay means the distance parallel to the axis of the rope in which a strand makes one complete turn about the axis of the rope. This document is available at any MSHA Metal and Nonmetal Safety and Health district office. If any part of a blast is connected in parallel and is to be initiated from powerlines or lighting circuits, the time of current flow shall be limited to a maximum of 25 milliseconds. Pressing enter in the search box [Paragraph (c)(3) of this section does not apply to Subcategory I-C mines]. Couplings for poles shall be nonsparking. The use of loading hose, collar sleeves, or collar pipes is permitted. MSHA's standard does not define protective footwear. Notification of commencement of operations and closing of mines. (a) Except as provided in paragraph (b), the exposure to airborne contaminants shall not exceed, on the basis of a time weighted average, the threshold limit values adopted by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, as set forth and explained in the 1973 edition of the Conference's publication, entitled TLV's Threshold Limit Values for Chemical Substances in Workroom Air Adopted by ACGIH for 1973, pages 1 through 54, which are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part hereof. A record of any part that is not functioning properly shall be made and dated. Machinery, equipment, and tools shall not be used beyond the design capacity intended by the manufacturer, where such use may create a hazard to persons. When repair work which could produce a spark or flame is to be performed on a storage facility, (a) The explosive material shall be moved to another facility, or moved at least 50 feet from the repair activity and monitored; and. [70 FR 32966, June 6, 2005; 70 FR 37901, June 30, 2005, as amended at 70 FR 55019, Sept. 19, 2005; 71 FR 29011, 29012, May 18, 2006; 71 FR 36483, June 27, 2006]. (a) Fired pressure vessels (boilers) shall be equipped with water level gauges, pressure gauges, automatic pressure-relief valves, blowdown piping, and other safety devices approved by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers to protect against hazards from overpressure, flameouts, fuel interruptions and low water level, all as required by the appropriate sections, chapters and appendices listed in paragraphs (b) (1) and (2) of this section. (a) Fork-lift trucks, front-end loaders, and bulldozers shall be provided with falling object protective structures if used in an area where falling objects could create a hazard to the operator. (3) An automatic reverse-activated strobe light may be used at night in lieu of an audible reverse alarm. Category V is divided into Subcategories V-A and V-B as follows: (i) Subcategory V-A applies to petroleum mines that operate entirely or partially within an oil reservoir; and all other petroleum mines in which, (ii) Subcategory V-B applies to petroleum mines that operate outside of and drill into an oil reservoir and in which. If methane reaches 0.25 percent in the mine atmosphere, changes shall be made to improve ventilation, and MSHA shall be notified immediately. Equipment used in or beyond the last open crosscut and equipment used in areas where methane may enter the air current, such as pillar recovery workings, longwall faces and shortwall faces, shall be approved by MSHA under the applicable requirements of 30 CFR parts 18 through 36. NFPA No. 57.16007 Taglines, hitches, and slings. eCFR :: 30 CFR Part 57 -- Safety and Health Standards - eCFR :: Home (a) Primers shall be made up only at the time of use and as close to the blast site as conditions allow. 57.6102 Explosive material storage practices. (2) Automatically deenergize electrical equipment, except power to monitoring equipment determined by MSHA to be intrinsically safe under 30 CFR part 18, and prevent starting of such equipment when methane levels reach 1.5 percent; and. These pressure relief requirements do not apply to tanks used for storage of Class IIIB liquids that are larger than 12,000 gallons in capacity. (a) All development and production blasting shall be initiated from the surface after all persons are out of the mine. The manufacturer's container may be used if secured to a nonconductive pallet. At the time of completion, the person performing inspections, tests, and maintenance of shafts and hoisting equipment required in standard 57.19120 shall certify, by signature and date, that they have been done. These candidates must complete an 8-hour IBEST class provided by an Illinois-approved electrical instructor and attain a minimum score of 80% on a written examination administered by a representative from the Department. Hoistmen shall be informed when persons are working in a compartment affected by that hoisting operation and a Men Working in Shaft sign shall be posted at the hoist. Before welding or cutting on a hollow shaft, the shaft shall be thoroughly cleaned inside and out and vented with a minimum 12-inch diameter opening to allow for sufficient ventilation. (a) On an annual basis, all persons who are required to go underground shall be instructed in the Mine Safety and Health Administration approved course contained in Bureau of Mines Instruction Guide 19, Mine Emergency Training (September 1972). Company official means a member of the company supervisory or technical staff. Movement of two or more pieces of rail equipment operating independently on the same track shall be controlled for safe operation.

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