which of the following is a rite of intensification?

An offering is: a. an economic exchange designed to influence the supernatural D. It was an important causal factor in the origin of the state. Prepare the journal entry to record the issuance of the bonds. B. pastoralism. C. Agriculture frequently involves the use of terraces, while horticulture does not. D. expand a populations gene pool. C. a discrepancy between external and internal genitals. [40], In his original description of rites of passage, Arnold Van Gennep (1909) noted that these rituals were carried out in three distinct stages: separation, liminality, and incorporation. B. The fact that chimpanzees and other nonhuman primates engage in masturbation and same- sex sexual activity suggests that A. human sexuality is completely determined by biology. E. land, labor, and technology. C. It impedes peaceful relations among social groups and therefore promotes population expansion. B. A. Pastoral B. D. Foraging, horticultural, pastoral, and industrial societies all have similar attitudes regarding gender roles. Rite of intensification Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster While nonbelievers might refer to rites of affliction as superstition, a belief or practice that has no credible evidence for its efficacy, for believers, these religious rites allow them to plead for help and sometimes control the outcome of threatening life events. At the center of the photo, note the Kaaba, the symbolic dwelling place of Allah. Accessed 2 May. Instead, individuals who practice Buddhism use techniques like meditation to achieve the insight necessary to lead a meaningful life and ultimately, after many lifetimes, to achieve the goal of nirvana, release from suffering. 31.The transition that is effected in a rite of passage is comparable to: A.social death and rebirth. When an individual gives something to someone else but expects nothing in return, this is an example of A. balanced reciprocity. A. Missionaries lived with the Yanomami for 50 years, providing health care. Nuclear families are always exogamous, while descent groups are always endogamous. Some of the most famous pilgrimages are the hajj, an Islamic pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia; the Christian pilgrimage to the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes, a site in France where Mary is believed to have appeared; and the Hindu pilgrimage to the River Ganges in India. What is a mode of production? Second wives are not protected by the law as their marriages are not legal. A Rite of Intensification is a ritual or ceremony performed by a community in a time of crisis that affects all members, as a rain dance during a drought. A. Nonindustrial producers do not partake in the results of their labor. a. the price and quantity variances need to be identified separately to correct the actual major differences. C. Men are in short supply due to the practice of male infanticide. 1.The gar ceremony, where young boys have their heads scarred, is Rites of passage This is commonly practised by the East African tribe of Barabaig. C. They formerly felt they had everything they needed, but now many people desire cash. B. sons become lifetime members of their mothers group, but daughters belong to their fathers group. A symbiotic relationship existed between the Basseri, who were nomadic pastoralists, and the Qashqai, who were horticulturalists. The land, labor, and technology used in production C. The way production is organized in a society D. Technology used to produce consumer goods E. The cultural aspects of an economy, such as changing fashions in the textile and clothing industry. B. the way that pantribal sodalities are formed. You must there are over 200,000 words in our free online dictionary, but you are looking for one thats only in the Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary. The lineage B. And sometimes the religious and the secular are intermingled, as in a marriage ceremony that is both civil and religious. Which of the following is not culturally constructed? Whether directly through a shamanic journey or through the mediation of a religious leader, communities petition the spirits or deity for healing or a blessing. An obligatory interaction between groups or organisms that is beneficial to each is known as A. cultivation. [41]. The fact that chimpanzees and other nonhuman primates engage in masturbation and same- sex sexual activity suggests that. Anthropology of Religion, Magic, and Witchcraft Midterm Review - Quizlet Question 1 (1 point) According to Rosenberg which of the following During liminality, an individual is what Turner calls betwixt and between (95), without social status or standing, outside of the structure, and in transition from one social stage to another. Rites of Intensification. What term do social scientists use to refer to the socially approved use of power? All peasants A. produce food without elaborate technology. Anthropology Ch.4 Flashcards | Quizlet In "Baseball Magic" Gmelch notes that fetishes are often associated with baseball magic. Identify the FALSE statement about totemism. B. While the pilgrimage itself may occur at any time during the last three months of the Islamic calendar, the last five to six days of the 12th month are those on which the most significant rituals occur. ANTH135 Exam #2 Flashcards | Quizlet They can also be a way for people to connect with their heritage and culture. In the film El Sebou': An Egyptian Birth Ritual, the birth mother must to what to her new born children? A. European immigration around 1900 B. They formerly used shells for money but now use coins. Hoffman Corporation issued $60 million of 5%, 20-year bonds at 102. E. Changes in the gender roles of men and women are usually associated with social decay and anarchy. An intense spirit of unity, solidarity, and togetherness that encourages people to see themselves as members of a community. One well-known example are the ideas expressed in the Ten Commandments, which are incorporated in the teachings of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism and prohibit behaviors such as theft, murder, adultery, dishonesty, and jealousy while also emphasizing the need for honor and respect between people. Kertzer's definition of ritual (in readings) In band societies, what typically determines the amount of respect or status that an individual enjoys? These rituals often bring people together by providing a shared experience that can be enjoyed and celebrated by all. It is used to refer to rituals, myths, holidays, rules, and the way things are. \$3620 \times 9\% $36209%. A term sometimes used to describe rituals that seek to attract material prosperity. It is a cultural adaptation to the high labor demands of rice cultivation. The young woman will then take her last run toward the east, now followed by many young children, so that she might eventually become a loving mother whom her children will always follow. A. human sexuality is completely determined by biology. A. mater. Song contests C. Killing an offender. B. When comparing local forms of world religions--the idea that a local religion can be created by combining and incorporating other religions together, or layering one on top of another is known as? A corporation that owns businesses in more than one nation. E. Incest was not documented in classic ethnographies and has only recently been the focus of research in anthropology. ANTH 111 Quiz 7-10 Flashcards | Quizlet D. Divorce is unique to industrialized nation-states. Which of the following was not traditionally used by the Inuit to handle disputes? Want to cite, share, or modify this book? A. Anthropology part 3 religion: lesson notes and practice quiz If you attend or participant in any kind of repetitive daily, weekly, or monthly religious ritual, it is likely a rite of intensification. D. a reflection of the workers gratitude for having been hired. B. Womens work usually contributes more to the diet than does mens work; consequently, there is less gender stratification. A. . [38] A second type of ritual is a rite of intensification, actions designed to bring a community together, often following a period of crisis. C. flexibility in sexual expression is part of humans' primate heritage. The Kinaald is a traditional coming-of-age ceremony (a puberty rite) for young Navajo women that occurs shortly after a girls first menstrual cycle and involves her extended family and community (Carey 2010; Meza 2019). 1999-2023, Rice University. belief in multiple gods. It was believed to sap a mans vitality. Most of the repetitive religious services that are offered through churches, synagogues, and mosques are rites of intensification. Band B. C. a discrepancy between external and internal genitals.. C. Gender stratification is generally reduced when the domestic and public spheres are not sharply separated. E. transhumance. One type of ritual is a rite of passage, a ceremony designed to transition individuals between life stages. 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. A. greater ecological diversity. According to Kottak, which of the following contributed to the emergence of the American notion that a womans place is in the home? Which of the following statements about nonstate societies is true? A status that a person has little or no choice about occupying. consent of Rice University. Tanna was one of these locations and this formerly isolated community experienced an extremely rapid transformation as the U.S. military introduced modern conveniences such as electricity and automobiles. After the ceremony, she is reintroduced to her community as a woman and not a child; she is now considered a young adult. In the stages within a rite of passage (according to Arnold van Gennep and Victor Turner), which of the following is included? What kind of exchange principle was prominent in Polynesian chiefdoms? Creative Commons Attribution License D. They use their land intensively and continuously. Why does a big man accumulate wealth? To accomplish this, men from the community construct wooden towers sixty to eighty feet high, tie ropes made from tree vines around their ankles, and jump head-first toward the ground (Figure 5). What kind of social unit is common among foragers? B. (ideological ritual) Society is a series of positions, each one known as status, as a member of society changes status, they change their social relationship with society. A. C. The relative status of women is variable, depending on factors such as subsistence strategy, the importance of warfare, and the prevalence of a domestic-public dichotomy. (credit: Holy Kaba by Camera Eye/flickr, CC BY 2.0), https://openstax.org/books/introduction-anthropology/pages/1-introduction, https://openstax.org/books/introduction-anthropology/pages/13-4-rituals-of-transition-and-conformity, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. During the days of seclusion, there are many different tasks as the girl is initiated into womanhood. Rite of intensification definition, a ritual or ceremony performed by a community in a time of crisis that affects all members, as a rain dance during a drought. During World War II, many islands in the South Pacific were used by the U.S. military as temporary bases. (credit: Grace Cathedral Labyrinth by Jay Galvin/flickr, CC BY 2.0), An Islamic congregation practices a rite of intensification called, The hajj is a Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca, pictured here, which is the birthplace of the prophet Mohammed. Anthro Final Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet a ritual that is required to be performed by a religious authority. A. At the beginning of the ceremony, as separation begins, the girl lies down and her family straightens her limbs and helps dress her and prepare her for the transition. Sometimes believers walk behind the individual in need, who sits in a chair, and then lay hands on their shoulders and pray, either silently or aloud so that the afflicted individual can hear the prayer being offered. A. A. Tensegrity. A. Gennep noted that there are three stages in a rite of passageseparation, transition, and incorporationand that during the transition stage, the individual must traverse a threshold (limen in Latin) from their old social position or status to a new one. A. It cannot support permanent villages. How does horticulture differ from agriculture? What have recent cross-cultural studies of gender roles demonstrated? Chapter 5 Flashcards | Quizlet The zadruga is a type of extended-family household found in what part of the world? C. The incest taboo does not eliminate incest. The 1909 book "Rites of Passage" was written by: Arnold Van Gennep. D. the result of bifurcate merging, a practice brought to the United States by Scotch-Irish immigrants during the early part of the 20th century. Rite of Passage Flashcards | Quizlet This book uses the E. The less women contribute to the public sphere, the more publicly recognized power they achieve. When the war ended and the U.S. military departed, the residents of Tanna experienced a kind of trauma as the material goods they had enjoyed disappeared and the John Frum ritual began. E. A situation in which a man has more than one wife at the same time. are not subject to the Creative Commons license and may not be reproduced without the prior and express written An increasing subculture of poverty C. Negative reciprocity, D. The separation of workers from the things they produce E. The great distances that separate the homes and workplaces of most people. An example of a rite of passage is: . E. sexual practices of chimpanzees. Individual actions have effects on ones karma. The hajj is one of the five pillars, or primary tenets, of Islam. Distinguish between the different types of ritual. D. The Qashqai authority structure was more complex and hierarchical than that of the Basseri. D. Sexual orientation is genetically predetermined, and culture plays no role in its expression. - separation stage. - sporting events - commemorative services--> intensify sense of nationhood. Cross-cultural studies indicate that A. in nearly all societies men contribute much more to subsistence than women do. Rites of affliction, first described by vary greatly depending on the need. C. maladaptive, since smaller families would have fewer expenses. In Perspectives: An Open Invitation to Cultural Anthropology, 2nd Edition, Society for Anthropology in Community Colleges, 2020, under CC BY-NC 4.0. Achieved status. E. Big men do not keep the wealth they accumulate but rather redistribute it to create and maintain alliances with political supporters. A good example is the daily practice of Islamic prayer, or salat. B. B. Current investigation has gathered the following data. A. mana. What is the basis of political organization in states? A. Peasants loss of land B. E. Chiefdoms have full-time religious specialists. Blood feuds B. then you must include on every digital page view the following attribution: Use the information below to generate a citation. D. The Qashqai authority structure was more complex and hierarchical than that of the Basseri. Eliot Dismore Chapple and Carleton Stevens Coon, Anthony F.C. Which of the following is not one of the adaptive strategies included in Cohens typology? Jun 13, 2022 OpenStax. Second wives are not protected by the law as their marriages are not legal. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. The term alienation is used to describe what phenomenon in industrial economies? Rites of intensification are characterized by: 1. Wallace, Revitalization Movements, Victor W. Turner, Betwixt and Between: The Liminal Period in Rites de Passage,, Casey Golomski, Rites of Passage: 1900s to Present: Africa, in, For more information see Marc Tabani, The Carnival of Custom: Land Dives, Millenarian Parades and Other Spectacular Ritualizations in Vanuatu. Display social structure 4. none of the answers provided are a rite of intensification In the stages within a rite of passage (according to Arnold van Gennep and Victor Turner), which of the following is included? Typically, the ceremony lasts four days and occurs both inside a traditional Navajo house, called a hogan, and in the surrounding area, where the girl will periodically run to ensure that she has a strong and healthy life. C. the result of a gender-based division of labor, which is unique to Malaysian society. TylerL_3. A. A. Marriages become more volatile. Which of the following is associated with horticultural systems of cultivation? The OpenStax name, OpenStax logo, OpenStax book covers, OpenStax CNX name, and OpenStax CNX logo A. 2023. Unlike rites of intensification and many rites of passage, rites of affliction are usually non-calendrical and unplanned. D. is higher in matrilineal societies than it is in patrilineal societies. D. Some Yanomami are being trained in health care. In general, the status of women A. rises as dependence on food production intensifies. People may perform witchcraft and sorcery to determine the source of affliction, exorcism to remove the presence of an adverse spirit, or divination to identify the source of harm. E. Big men do not keep the wealth they accumulate but rather redistribute it to create and maintain alliances with political supporters. B. inherited status. Population pressure is high. A. A. an example of the interrelatedness of religion and economy. Ascribed status B. E. Their diet is more varied than that of horticulturalists. E. some cultures nevertheless encourage incest. C. mother of orientation. A. generalized reciprocity. Salat establishes a direct relationship between the believer and God and affirms ones membership in a global community of Muslims. For believers with the physical ability and financial means, completing the hajj to Mecca, Saudi Arabia, is essential to their faith. C. increased regulation of interpersonal relations. Behavior that violates the commandments brings both social disapproval from other members of the religious community and potential punishment from God. C. women fear contacts, including sexual intercourse, with men. dharma. C. They maintain control by conquering foreign territories. Strong differentiation between the secular and the sacred C. Strong differentiation between elite and commoners D. Strong differentiation between the home and the outside world, E. Strong differentiation between local and international trade. E. postmarriage residence tends to be patrilocal. B. inheritance of land and prestige through female lines. B. Womens work usually contributes more to the diet than does mens work; consequently, there is less gender stratification. C. A village head is a band leader, while a big man is a tribal leader. Examples of prescribed, periodic rituals include all of the following except: b. Quinceaneras. Use the following matrices. In Buddhism, the form of a humans reincarnation depends on the quality of the karma developed during life. Which of the following is an example of a matrilineal-matrifocal society? A status that a person has little or no choice about occupying B. D. Divorce is unique to industrialized nation-states. C. Descent groups are permanent, while nuclear families are not. B. What is the name of the postmarital residence pattern in which a married couple is expected to live in the husbands community? D. Most nonindustrial economies are strictly regulated by a government. Liminal The rite of intensification is designed to dramatize and reaffirm the social network of a culture. E. The Basseri and Qashqai were two of the age sets in Melanesian society. D. Rites of passage only worsen the anxieties caused by other aspects of religion. Colonized cultures underwent radical alteration. B. encourage people to disregard social distinctions in choosing mates. When the participants return to their community, the incorporation phase, they are recognized as men and allowed to learn the secret stories of the community.[42]. Religious beliefs are an important element of social control because these beliefs help to define acceptable behaviors as well as punishments, including supernatural consequences, for misbehavior. B. E. are headed by grandparents. Band. What is an age set? E. It is not present in the industrial states of the Western world. C. foraging. Some individuals continue this traditional means of completing the hajj, but other devotees arrive by boat, bus, or plane, dedicating themselves to contemplation once they arrive. What is polygyny? If there is a cohort of individuals participating in the rite of passage, such as an age grade going through puberty rites, the participants will share a strong sense of equality and social bonding among themselves, referred to as communitas. Rituals, also called rites, are performative acts by which we carry out our religious beliefs, public and private. These rituals tend to have a rather stable and repetitive structure that allows practitioners to follow along easily. D. shame and ridicule as a method of resistance. One notable example is a ritual that developed on the island of Tanna in the South Pacific. Reinforce group solidarity. Women are subservient to men in nearly all societies because their subsistence activities contribute much less to the total diet than do those of men. They used science and skill to navigate the waters within the lagoon and they used magic, science, and skill to navigate the waters beyond the lagoon. rite of intensification : a ritualistic procedure associated with periodic events or seasonal crises affecting a societal group as a whole Love words? Exam 2 (chap 5-8) Flashcards | Chegg.com B. What term refers to the practice of marrying a person outside of the group to which one belongs? A. Chiefdom B. C. Gender stratification is generally reduced when the domestic and public spheres are not sharply separated. Arnold Van Gennep, The Rites of Passage (Hove, UK: Psychology Press, 1960). During the final stage of the Kinaald, in the morning of the fourth day, the mother washes her daughters hair and dries it with cornmeal (corn is a Navajo deity). citation tool such as, Authors: Jennifer Hasty, David G. Lewis, Marjorie M. Snipes. There are literally hundreds of different methods of divination. In the United States, Halloween is also a rite of rebellion, one in which children go out at night to beg for candy from neighbors. Hear a word and type it out. D.close exposure to the heat of a fire. A. B. an unconscious protest against stressful and exploitive working conditions. It is not unusual in state religions for these rites to create unity among believers across cultures and nation-states. C. flexibility in sexual expression is part of humans primate heritage. and you must attribute OpenStax. Solved Select the best answer for each. and fill in | Chegg.com c. if a negative variance is over-shadowed by a favorable variance, managers may overlook potential corrections. A. [39] Revitalization rituals, which also often follow periods of crisis in a community, are ambitious attempts to resolve serious problems, such as war, famine, or poverty through a spiritual or supernatural intervention. C. Mens hunting activities are more important than womens gathering. A. A. Profit motive B. One moose, two moose. E. It relies extensively on chemical fertilizers. A. [36]. Which of the following statements about polyandry is true? Step over them seven times to ward off evil spirits. D. The separation of workers from the things they produce. For When 'Lowdown Crook' Isn't Specific Enough. Kottak argues that the relatively high incidence of expanded family households among poorer North Americans is A. the result of a patrilocal residence pattern. Historically, pilgrims arrived by walking, using the travel time and its accompanying struggles to focus on growing in their faith. The LibreTexts libraries arePowered by NICE CXone Expertand are supported by the Department of Education Open Textbook Pilot Project, the UC Davis Office of the Provost, the UC Davis Library, the California State University Affordable Learning Solutions Program, and Merlot. It increases the number of individuals that one can rely on in times of need. Attempts to resolve serious problems, such as war, famine or poverty through spiritual or supernatural intervention. D. heterosexual sex is more common among humans than among other primates. The second stage of a rite of passage in which the individual is in a marginal or in-between phase, which often includes a time of testing and trials. "Religion" by Sashur Henninger-Rener, Pasadena City College. Political institutions are totally separate from economic institutions. A. E. They thought he was a vampire. - ex 1. drivers ed to get driving permit. C. They were afraid that he was working for the national government to take away their land. It is a form of social death. A. monotheism. B. positive reciprocity. More than 1 billion of the world's population live on less than $1 a day but a meal for two at a good restaurant in a major wealthy city can easily . C. The Yanomami claim that the government is not providing the same level of health care assistance as the missionaries, leading to an increase in deaths. What term refers to the type of pastoral economy in which the entire group moves with the animals throughout the year? D. Men and women enjoy approximately equal status. Although Buddhism defies easy categorization into any anthropological category, there is an element of animatism represented by karma, a moral force in the universe. Unlike idiosyncratic behaviors that an individual may practice on their own, rituals are learned and shared. A hereditary ruler C. A person of influence and prestige D. A leader who avoids excessive displays of generosity E. A leader who has tremendous power because he is regarded as divine. Biological differences between males and females, other than contrasts in breasts and genitals, is known as A. sex. B. The best known examples of pantribal sodalities existed among societies in. The first stage of a rite of passage in which the individual withdraws, or is removed from, ordinary society. How has the Betsileo of Madagascar view of money changed since Kottak first visited them? Clan B. Lineage, C. Extended family D. Family of procreation. B. inheritance of land and prestige through female lines. D. kinship, descent, and marriage. Agricultural C. A horticultural society experiencing considerable population pressure, D. Tropical foraging E. Industrial state with high unemployment. C. a resistance method practiced in small-scale societies. The band, C. The nuclear family D. The clan E. The expanded family household, The incest taboo is a cultural universal, but. According to Weber, what is the basis of social status? D. male control of prestige goods. C. Relations of production, distribution, and consumption are social relations with economic aspects. A. hegemony working to eliminate resistance. E. the idea that child care is a womans responsibility. Lifespan Growth and Development Chapter 9. C. tend to maintain social distinctions between groups. Which of the following statements about shifting cultivation is true? In what sense are nonindustrial economies embedded in society? Sometimes the helpers stand face-to-face or bend over the individual seeking help. B. Anthropologist Victor Turner (1969) discusses in detail the significance of liminality in rites of passage.

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which of the following is a rite of intensification?