serena and darien fanfiction

Everything seemed to go in slow motion. But Zoycite's plan results in Serena being seriously injured.. Mark's Fanfic Land Now, I can increase my life-points by your monster's attack points and negate your attack!. Now, I have a gift for you. Queen Serenity puts her right hand on her daughter's forehead and she begins to glow beautiful silver. Any pal of Yug' is a pal of mine. Sailor Pluto tells Sailor Mars, It may not seem like it at first, but this gift will indeed aid us in the future. Winged Kuriboh flies over to Sailor Moon and happily chirps around her causing her to giggle. Immediately there was a shift in the energy of the room. Or at least a way in?, Sailor Uranus shakes her head and says, in her usual plain and serious tone, Neither. The portal begin to shrink. Now, both of us must draw from our decks until we have six cards in our hands! Both duelists then draw until they have six cards in their hands and Serena then calls out, Next, I reveal my other spell card! Sooner or later, I know that Ami would figure out my relationship with my beloved Endymon. Serenity then asks Judai, Is this why you wanted to see me?, Judai tells Serenity, Actually, mother wants us back in the palace. Missy then says, not impressed, So, what? At least, until you see the light. Yugi Moto! Just then Yugi Moto, Joey Wheeler, age 27, Rebecca Hawkins, age 19, Duke Devlin, age 27, Tea Gardner, age 27, and Tristan Taylor, age 27, walk into the room, much to awe of the students. Anyway, the girls were enjoying the hot springs that Chazz installed in the Slifer Red dorms and Mina says, relaxed, Hey! The new teachers, Amara Ten'ou, Michelle Kaiou, and Trista Meiou are Sailor Uranus, Sailor Neptune, and Sailor Pluto. And thanks to her special ability, she gains 500 more attack points when she attacks someone directly! Etoile Cyber rushes forward, her stats increase to 1700/1600, she spins around, and gives one powerful kick to Blair's right shoulder as she loses 1700 life-points. The Sailor Senshi decided to reveal themselves to Blair, only because they needed to figure if Sartorius' power over her is gone and his `aging effect' is only temporary. This card cuts my life-points in half, but for this turn, my Phoenix's attack and defense points are doubled! Just then White Light Phoenix's stats increase from 3000/2000 to 6000/4000 as Blair's life-points are cut in half. {Who are you?} I told you it was only a matter of time!. Serena tells Jaden, Thanks. Soon after, an image of the prince known as Prince Judai appears behind him, through only Serena sees it. However, your meeting with the Earth Prince and the positive resulted have resulted in my husband's, King Apollo's, action. I've heard of your duel with Jaden Yuki and read your records. He holds the key to Sartorius' defeat and we need to make sure that he is out of Sartorius' control until he can fully use his `hidden powers'., Lita asks, curiously, Does he have any hidden powers?, Rei tells Lita in reply, I'm not sure, but I do sense that there is something different about him than other students and other humans on our planet Earth here. She is trying to mimic the same blazer that he wears at Duel Academy. Sartorius tells his driver, Find the nearest parking space and park as quickly as you can.. Tuxedo Mask was horrified and yet amazed that Serena could survive such a brutal beating. He is already here! Like you, I have seen the light. Want to guess how much stronger he is going to get?. "Oh my god! Especially from our home., Judai tells Serenity, with a sly grin, Is that the reason or that secret boyfriend, the Prince of Earth, Endymon, that's got you thinking about it., Serenity leaps to her feet and asks, quite shocked, Judai, you know?, Judai tells Serenity, with a wide grin exactly like Jaden Yuki's grin, Hey, you aren't that hard to figure out. These new teachers, Darien Shields, Trista Meiou, Amara Ten'ou, and Michelle Kaiou, are Sailor Pluto, Sailor Uranus, and Sailor Neptune of the Sailor Scouts of Juuban along with that hunky Tuxedo Mask, and the new students, Serena, Ami, Rei, Lita, and Mina, are Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter, and Sailor Venus. On the meanwhile, Blair asks Sartorius, who has just `confronted' her, Yes, what do you want?, Sartorius tells Blair, Hello, my name is Sartorius. What I do know is stopping that pale faced freak is our mission and this `Pharaoh' guy is our vital reinforcements. Well, let's just that even through Seto Kaiba still wants Yugi's title as well, he and Kaiba have become better friends . Blair Flannigan?, Blair does a traditional Japanese bow and replies, That's right, Alexis. ! Soon after, the two said monster appear on the field, go into a fusion vortex as Serena discards the two monsters card to the grave, takes one fusion monster card from her fusion deck, puts it on her duel disk, and Elemental Hero Thunder Giant (2400/1500) appears on the field in attack mode. Jedite felt his hand burning and looked at it to see it and his entire arm was engulfed in white flames. . And you, soldiers, need to be there for him to come here and give us a hand. Direct attack! Soon after, Insect Princess and the other Army Ant Token attack Tyranno's life-points directly and he yells out as he loses 2400 more life-points. AMANTES 2 by Moonie1284. Finish this duel with Celestial Cosmic Flare! Elemental Hero Celestial Neos gathers rainbow colored energy into his right hand and launches it as a large comet-like attack that slams into Blair's White Light Phoenix causing her to lose nearly twelve thousand life-points when it is destroyed in a tremendous explosion, ending the duel immediately. Scared are we? The two hands pulled Serena unwillingly into the dark alley. Blair states, in an evil sly tone, Thank you. This Continuous Spell card allows my monsters to attack your monsters with the same attack points and not get destroyed! Serena then commands, Now, my Cyber Angel, destroy her Phoenix with Silver Star Blast! Cyber Angel Serenity fires a silver energy beam filled with energy stars at the Phoenix and destroys it without being destroyed herself, thanks to the Kishido Spirit Continuous Spell card. Another beam golden red this time shot out and "eclipsed" the moon. It was too similar to events that happened to me and my friends around ten years ago. However, I cannot touch you, much less accept a hug in my `condition'., Yugi asks Atem, What are you doing here, Atem?, Atem tells Yugi, You already know that answer, my former Aibou., Yugi tells Atem, It is this new evil, isn't it?, Atem replies, Yes. We already have enough people knowing our secret., Lita tells Rei, Speaking of: Don't you think that Sartorius guy knows about us since he had Ami under his control and he still has Hotaru under his control?, Ami nods her head and says, in her logical tone, It is most likely that he figured it out since he can see the near future and he had me and still has Hotaru under his control. Sartorius says to himself, What the cards told me was true. Flame Wingman is my partner and I don't like it when you refer to him in that matter.. She leaned a little closer where she could vaguely make out one large swollen eye. Atticus is staying within his room inside of the `White Dorm' and avoiding any duels with `White Students' at all costs., Jaden tells the two girls, Well, it is for the best that you get him out of there. Serena and Darien's House: Tokyo, Japan. In her right hand is a beautiful specter with a pearly white staff and a huge golden sun on top of the staff. Her friends, Mina Aino, Lita Kino, and Rei Hino are Sailor Venus, Sailor Jupiter, and Sailor Mars. Mina exclaims, excitedly, This is so cool! Missy replies, as she puts a card on her duel disk, You are just jealous because destiny is on my side, hon. So, I only lost three hundred and sixty life-points instead of thirty-six hundred., Jaden tells Serena, excitedly, Good move, Serena!, Darien tells Serena, happily, Good job, Sere'!, Bastion says, with a smile, I've got to say that she is good. Lose Myself to Love You by missd735 reviews. When it is destroyed, once per turn, it can automatically revive itself! Soon after, the ashes of the destroyed monster rise up, reform, and White Light Phoenix (3000/2000) returns to the field in attack mode. Serena and Darien fics with over 100 reviews only | FanFiction The cards also tell me that Serena has a power similar to Jaden's, but different in some way. Dark Magician Girl! Soon after, Dark Magician Girl (2000/1700) appears on the field in attack mode! Now, I sacrifice my Kaiser Sea Horse and use its special ability! Kaiser Sea Horse vanishes in a bright light as it is sent to the graveyard, Blair puts another card on her duel disk, and exclaims, Now, meet one of my most powerful monsters! Sartorius tells Alexis and Chazz, Indeed. It was so awesome., Atriums sweatdrop and says, Well, I think that we had found Duel Academy's version of Mina., Mina yells at Atriums, annoyed, What's that supposed to mean?!. Now, I play my Multiplication of Ants! Just then a familiar male voice calls out, Ah, man! Chazz and Alexis finish telling about what happened between Serena and Blair with their duel. Sailor Moon - Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 19 - Words: 67,205 - Reviews: 263 - Favs: 185 . Now, with this card, both of us must draw from our decks until we have six cards in our hands! She looked one year older than she truly is., Tyranno then says, in a serious tone, Then he must have done to her what they did to your friend., Blair says, in a cold tone and sly grin, Yes, Master Sartorius used his powers to give me this new body and enter Duel Academy. After the food that they ate at Le Arista Serena and Darien retired to his apartment. Blair draws one card from her deck and says, plainly, I will go first. Blair looks at her hand, puts one card on her duel disk, and states, I play Maiden in Love in attack mode. Soon after, Maiden in Love (400/800) appears on the field in attack mode. All right, there is a favor that I need to ask of you, but why don't we talk about this in my car? Tyranno says, in a serious tone, That's a bit of a waste. However, my big cosmic hero is back and he's ready to fight! Serena then puts one card in the Field Spell slot and exclaims, Now, I activate the Field Spell: Neo-Space! Soon after, the whole field is covered in a rainbow aurora-like energy and Serena explains, This card increase the attack points of my Elemental Hero Neos or any fusion monster that has Elemental Hero Neos as a fusion material monster by 500 attack points. Elemental Hero Neos' stats increase from 2500/2000 to 3000/2000! To answer your question: You did have a sibling. Now, all soldiers on the field in attack mode switch to defense mode! Insect Princess and Dark Driceratops are switched to defense mode. Well it will all be over soon enough by dear Sailor Moon." Gilasaurus, I'm sorry to say that you are dismissed! Gilasaurus vanishes in a flash of light as he is sacrificed and Tyranno puts another card on his duel disk, calling out, Dark Driceratops, attention! In Gilasaurus' place, Dark Driceratops (2400/1500) appears on the field in attack mode. We find Jaden has his Shadow Charm that he used to protect himself and his friends from the Shadow Powers of the Shadow Riders during the battles for the three Sacred Beast cards. Until we figure out a way to stop Sartorius, you aren't safe there., Bastion tells the two girls, Plus, you had better get Atticus out of there, too. Blair then says, Now, it is time for her special ability., Syrus says, worriedly, Uh oh. One, we, of the Sun Kingdom royal family, have been the greatest of warriors for many upon many years and only through our hard-work and determination because we want show our people that we are always like them. Now, prepare for combat! Soon after, both duelists draw five cards from their decks as the duel is about to begin. She doesn't remember you and she has human `phobia' with ghosts., Atem tells Trista, Well, that's very understandable., Jaden tells Atem, Hey, Atem, it has been a while!, Jaden replies, in his usual tone, Yeah! You are going to need two items. This princess has her eyes closed and a serious look on her expression. Yugi Moto, may I ask you a question?, Yugi tells Bastion in reply, Yes, of course., Bastion tells Yugi, What is the real reason that you cam to Duel Academy? I'm sure one of them is a trap.. "ANSWER ME!!" Tea has gone on to have an excellent singing and dancing career in the United States as well as winning a few Duel Monsters tournaments in the United States and Japan, Joey has become an excellent duelist, winning tournament after tournament with his wife, Mai Valentine, also becoming a famous female duelist, and Tristan moved on to becoming one of the greatest martial artists and fighters in Japanese history, already he is seventh-degree Black Belt. What did you do to my Maiden?. However, with only a small amount of life-points, it won't be too long until you see the light.. The more she struggled the tighter his hold on her got. Open already I'm going to be late for class!" It will be just like the olds days when Yug' and he were together with us saving the world from evil psychopaths., Yugi tells Joey, Remember, Joey, this one is different than the ones we faced. said Sailor Jupiter. Her male opponent commands, That's right, Mina! That monster's strong enough to wipe me out. Yuck! His deck along with Jaden's was among the only ones that weren't affected by the evil of the Sacred Beasts and Yugi was very nervous when he heard about the Shadow Riders and the return of the Shadow Games after ten years. And guess who's got to go?. . via: (anime-girl-ash) On more than one occasion, we witness Sailor Moon throwing herself in the midst of danger to save the Sailor Scouts. We're going to get Hotaru back and kick this guy's butt!, Lita says, Problem is that he has nearly half this school's students under his control and thus, a great influence in Duel Academy, so, we can't use our usual tactics., Ami says, in a plain tone, This is why we have to work with Jaden and his friends. Missy asks Tyranno, Okay, hun, ready to see the light?. You, girls, can see Duel Monster spirits like I can?, Sailor Jupiter asks, What are Duel Monster spirits?, Sailor Pluto replies, Duel Monster spirits are real-life incarnations of Duel Monsters also known as Shadow Creatures. Especially since I followed you and Endymon when you snuck out of the palace one night. Serenity gains a wide blush on her cheeks and Judai tells Serenity, Don't worry, I didn't tell anymore. And yes, like I said before, Yugi and the old gang is coming back to battle. White Veil! You are truly gifted., Blair tells Sartorius, with a weak smile, Thank you. Now, let's go see Serena and the others. Jaden and his two friends walk over to Serena, Rei, Lita, and Mina, who are assembling on the floor of the dueling arena. Blair then shouts out, Now, Phoenix, destroy her monster and the rest of her life-points! Moto, what are you doing here?, Yugi tells Jaden, in a plain tone and smile, Oh, just checking up on an `old friend'. Yugi then extends his hand to shake Jaden's hand, Jaden takes Yugi Moto's hand, shakes it, and says, It has been a while since we last met, Jaden. "Is something wrong?" . "Now we just wait for our other guest." Finally, Yugi Moto has grown up since that day, he looks exactly like Atem did when he `took over' his body from him, and has still retained the title of King of Games, the world's greatest duelists, for around ten years since Atem returned to the Spirit World, but he knows that he can't be the King of Games forever. Jaden and his friends are trying to hold Sartorius back, but no matter how many victories Jaden wins, it seems that Sartorius is still winning. The floor was cold and damp. Plus, like I said before, I'm not very good with Tarot cards and what their meanings are, so, I based that part on the information on Sartorius I got from the internet. In the large square with the circular fountain that has the pillar in the middle with the clock on top of the pillar where Yugi and Yami/Atem fought the first duel of the Battle City tournament against the first of the Rare Hunters, the one with the Exodia deck, we find none other than Yugi Moto, age 27, standing in the shadows waiting for his friends to arrive. However, we need somewhere filled with mystical and supernatural powers and those connected him to this modern day because the power of that `place' and the `bond' with those that care about him are vital elements of what we need to bring the former Pharaoh back to life., Jaden asks, nervously, Um, do you come with a translation?, Bastion tells Jaden, I will try to explain it later. Etoile Cyber, attack her directly! We even know who Tuxedo Mask is. When my cute Dark Magician Girl is on the field, I can summon one big Dark Magician from my deck! Mina goes through her deck, takes out one card, puts it onto her duel disk, and Dark Magician (2500/2100) similar to Yugi Moto's Dark Magician, expect it has dark blue skin and dark blue uniform, comes to the field in attack mode. The Sailor Senshi crosses their arms across their chest and the heart jewels on their bodysuits begin to glow causing their tiaras to vanish and their planetary symbols to appear on their foreheads. But the only way out is by sailor teleport." Sartorius tells Chazz and Alexis, Very interesting., Chazz tells Sartorius, Master Sartorius, why did you send her? Jaden Yuki, your next battle is to come . . Ah . The new monster, White Light Phoenix, is an eight star monster with 3000/2000 stats! Sartorius is bad news., Jaden tells Blair, Seriously. I'm a professional dueling manager and I've managed many profession duelists. Mamoru feels lonely around Christmas and Motoki suggests he gets a girlfriend. Judai asks Serenity, Looking over Earth, again?, Serenity tells Judai, with a smile, Yes, it can very beautiful. That card protects all Elemental Hero and Neo-Spacians from the effects of enemy spell, trap, and monster cards!, Amara says, in a serious tone, Serena has a plan.. I reveal my trap! They tell me that girl represented by The Lovers card, who has a `romantic attachment' to Jaden Yuki, is in Domino City. These people are among the world's best in the `functions' of the world, if not the world of Duel Monsters.. Just then a male voice, sounding similar to Jaden Yuki's, but deeper and more commanding, calls out, Hey, Serenity, what are you doing? Princess Serenity looks to see a young man of her age with platinum silver hair in Jaden usual hairstyle, golden crescent moon sigil on his forehead, deep brown eyes, and wearing a black version of Prince Endymon's royal `outfit' with a silver version of Prince Endymon's body armor on him with a brown belt across his waist, silver buckle on the belt that has the crescent moon sigil imprinted in the middle of the belt buckle, and the belt is hold a sheath for a sword that has a beautiful silver hilt.

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