kitten fed to python luka video

Me and my buddies made a few videos.. Katie, they may have been only kittens as far as youre concerned, but the rest of us viewed them as defenceless, living, breathing creatures who suffered a slow and painful death. Were not wasting your time., Moovan and John are still working together under the Animal Beta Project banner. This was all happening before the body was found. Guy feeds live kitten to his python ** (video)** It is hard to sympathize with someone whose vanity is constructed around becoming a serial killer. It really just breaks my heart. Two days later I received a sick email detailing horrific sex acts he planned to do on me. There are a lot of nutters who like to kill cats for pleasure. Coupled with the clue which Baudi discovered that at minute .28, the figure leans out of frame and a certain hum on the video stops, along with the voices, indicating the voices were most likely either a recording or a an Internet phone service. Webbeing': Hunt for twisted thug who fed kitten to python in sick video By Craig Mackenzie UPDATED: 18:02 GMT, 3 December 2011 A hunt has been launched for a sadistic pet owner who filmed himself feeding a kitten to a python. In an attempt to get some clarity amidst the disorder, Boyle started a second, smaller Facebook group calling it Useful Individuals and invited the users from the main VaccumerKitten Killergroup who he thought had the best skills hackers, investigators, filmmakers, artists to help identify the figure in the green hoodie. Magnotta then made a fake Facebook account and followed the groups investigation. They were very quick to jump on board and help us with this case, says Dewar of the authorities. If we all ignored things like this incase it was fake then animal abusers would get away with it. Anlayisli flagged down a group of cadets in training that happened to be passing by. we need the following stats for your snake to design a better cycle: When my python was smaller, a woman wanted to give away a litter of kittens and the mother. It has been seen 21 million times according to the site but the whole thing is very odd indeed. After getting over their initial shock, the web sleuths began to search for clues the same way they did the kitten killer videos. A housecat named Hurjun met a horrific end on April 4 when he was apparently suffocated and swallowed whole by a python in the comfort of his Thailand home, according to Mothership. Photographs of the scene posted to Facebook show the snake digesting its meal, its diamond-patterned belly noticeably distended. People were picking things up I didnt even think of. After an intense investigation another anonymous tip resulted in the positive identification of the well known bisexual porn star and model Luka Magnotta, read the article. Editors picks Panzarella still harbors ill will to the Facebook group and John Green in particular. On the web, the news hit the groups hard. Then it clicked. He is one of the most disgusting people I have ever read about and if I could get away with killing him, I would do it! You dont f**k with cats. They filed it in the back of their minds and kept searching, combing through the Magnotta ephemera that was popping up. Funny how people decide what's a valid snake diet and what's not. West says he contacted Scotland Yard, but Magnotta was gone again. The figure leans over the man and touches his blindfold. Panzarella enlisted a member of Rescue Ink who was a grade school teacher and a female body builder. A user named babymaggie11 had embedded a YouTube video for 1 boy 2 kittens. And why an Israel site? Thanks for sharing. Nobody gives a crap. No one wanted to believe that what they were seeing was real. His hairstyles would vary, but his chiseled jaw, high cheekbones and bright blue eyes remained the same. I cannot believe this shit He will get what he deserves eventually. It was something someone without a connection to Montreal would never have posted. Above all, he struck me as a coward. Update 3rd Oct 2014: the kittens were killed and the person who allegedly did it is Luka Rocco Magnotta (born Eric Clinton Kirk Newman; July 24, 1982). It's worse than that woman who threw those puppies into a river. But I have no evidence of it. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. But next time you hear from me it will be in a movie I am producing that will have some humans in it, not just pussies. Firstly this was not a simple killing of an animal. The video cuts. The French media nicknamed him The Butcher of Montreal. The German media nicknamed him The Porno Killer.. [deleted] 3 yr. ago. Sad world. Ron was such a riot, says Barbi. For other inquiries, Contact Us. OF all the door knocks Ive done in my career, that morning standing outside Luka Magnottas dingy hotel room was easily the most terrifying. But if it stops someone else from doing the same thing again and police take more notice the next time a Luka Magnotta comes along, then its worth it.. As they searched around the web, they spotted a trend they had seen before Magnotta had been hyping the video before he even shot it. Homolka Rumour Ruins Models Life, read the headline to a video link from a September 2007 Toronto Sun interview with Magnotta in which he denied that he dated infamous Canadian murderess Karla Homolka. I have to force myself to face such things and at present my morale is too low as the other day I watched one of animals in slaughterhouses being abused and thats still in my mind a lot. Was I part of this? Green thought to himself as he watched the video over and over. In Sydney, Australia, a 47-year-old accountant originallyfrom the Ukraine using the alias Nicee Punk, had become intrigued with the search. John said: When I clicked on the profile of the video I noticed theyd also liked a video for the movie Catch Me If You Can. The music continues to play. If that is so you have failed. Green and Moovan began feverishly analyzing the new activity, but Luka had again disappeared inside the Internet. wtf?! He wants to be a porn star, says Panzarella, explaining his plan. What does really concern me is that he brutally murdered that guy. So we had a name, an exact address and proof he was in Toronto at the time.. I fixed it so that it worked but it has now gone bad again several hours later. One was of a cat strapped to a pole being drowned in a bath, the other of a kitten devoured by a python. Its no surprise that the perpetrator moved on to torturing and killing a human. His trial is soon. I call the Barbi twins. In fact he had spread the rumours himself for publicity. What next? Did we feed [Lukas] narcissism, did we feed the monster or did we create it? Python Christmas video: Hunt for twisted, sadisctic thug who fed Its the same pictures over and over again. The 100 Greatest TV Shows of All Time. The sleuths found his address which police subsequently visited but he had already moved on to London. you sick fu## what if you where the kitten and got killed by an asshole. Traits which make is impossible to kill yourself . We didnt know exactly where he was. In the spring of last year, a 2005 letter from Magnottas then psychiatrist, Thuraisamy Sooriabalan, surfaced. You know, you feel things. I just need the python and bathtime video if anyone has found it. It was a fun but frustrating time. It lasted only one season, but while the show was fleeting, it boosted the clubs online profile, and Panzarella says they were contacted by calls from every part of the world, concerning 1 boy, 2 kittens. The 500 Greatest Songs of All Time They said, I can get Ron Jeremy.'. But videoing it and No one knew where Magnotta actually was. A TWISTED pet owner was being hunted last night over a vile "Christmas video" of him feeding a playful kitten to a PYTHON. In the end, I told them this guy is going to turn around and kill somebody. But it turns out that this time he actually was in Britain in December. I hope that guy burns in hell. Only a sadist would derive pleasure from inflicting pain or suffering on others. I dont know if its fake or not as I havent watched it but these guys belong in an mental asylum or better yet: jail. Yes, I feel exactly the same way on all you write. We were saying, Hes going to hurt somebody.'. The Barbi Twins and Panzarella hatched a plan to try and lure Magnotta out of hiding by offering him a role in a porn movie with adult film legend Jeremy. He tries to create buzz.. He calmly denied it and said his lawyer told him not to speak about it. I wish wer could do this to all of the cats on earth. You can see the video he made last year and then tell me about RELEVANCE!!! Again Im told, Its just cats. I am showing them that its been proven that people that abuse animals can turn into serial killers. I cant watch it either. In 2003, he appeared in porn and occasionally worked as a stripper and escort. I thought: This guys up for a game of cat and mouse. So the group set about analysing tiny details of the video such as the bed cover, the light socket, the wall plugs and the doorknob. In 2012, they were instrumental in the investigation of Ashley Nicole Richards and Brent Justice in Houston (the former pleaded guilty to state charges while the latters state case is pending), who are accused of privately selling hard crush videos of puppies and kittens. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. He makes up these dedication videos to himself, where he puts all his pictures together and plays a Madonna song or something, says Moovan. CIA Director, Noam Chomsky Named in Epstein's Private Calendar: Report Deanna Thompson, a data analyst from Las Vegas who played a leading role in the hunt, said: This documentary is exactly what he would want. Luka So Magnotta made 1 boy 2 kittens and posted it on December 21st, 2010. I like your comment and agree with you but sadly it appears that he is doing quite well in jail. But there were a few from legitimate news outlets. One of these videos was titled 1 boy, 2 kittens. YOU ARE A DISGUSTING LIAR AND IM MORE THAN HAPPY THAT YOU ARE SPENDING YOUR LIFE IN PRISON. A twink James Dean. This thread is archived. We didnt know when it happened; where it happened., Boudreault says he went to a prosecutor to get an arrest warrant, but didnt succeed. You are probably lying but your comment still makes you an arsehole. I say fuck you. It was so fascinating, says Moovan about the hunt. Worthless. The more Jeremy thought about it, the more the deception became too real. But in this seedy underbelly theres an unwritten rule: Dont f**k with cats.. The group, along with others online, had spent thousands of hours trying to track down a man, Luka Magnotta, who they believed was responsible for the video. His videos also got him press attention, with The Sun publishing a story headlined: Catch the sicko who fed a kitten to a python. Like, the size of the bed are twin beds the same in Russia as they are in America? Thanks for commenting. They go through all of this to take down a video across the entire interweb and charge him with first degree murder .. yet they cant find the Number 1 suspect on the God damn FBI most wanted .. like really Its a fucking animal its not a human a god damn cat.. what if it was a deer just like a cat a deer is a god damn animal come the fuck on people So ruled by emotions its Rediculous. Rest In Peace to all of his victims. Sei un pezzo di merda spero che muori soffocato dal cazzo di rocco, Youre a piece of shit I hope you die suffocated by the cock of rocco.. Luka He found his way to Berlin via bus. In 2004, he was convicted of impersonation and fraud after befriending a mentally incapacitated 21-year-old woman and applying for credit cards in her name, eventually charging $10,000. But armed with Exif data that Moovan pulled, she and Green focused on Toronto. As its not far of a Jump from a kitty to human. Thats animal abuse! Lot of controversy on the guy that fed a live kitten to a burmese python. Im a big animal guy. You little- Thats your opinion! The dark figure is now straddling the man. Who in the right mind would be this twisted in getting pleasure from killing cats!?! VIDEO I Can only HOPE someone makes him feel this way in prison EVERRRRRRRY FUC*EN DAY OF HIS LIFE! A longtime animal advocate, Barbi, along with twin sister Shane , had recently lobbied online for the Animal Crush Video Prohibition Act, which sought to ban sexual fetish videos featuring people, mostly women, crushing small vertebrate animals with high heels or bare feet. Hope that mother fucker gets fucked and killed in jail. He posted photos of himself in connection with the video holding the cats on the bed but no one recognized him. I dont know. The guy should be sentenced to death end of story. At the time, Christy ran the gore site ohlookaforum, which was the top search result for a snuff video called 3 Guys, 1 Hammer. Shut up Ill hope cats hate you you peace of shit. Next those boys will be doing the same with kids and women, and the elderly. He applied for bankruptcy in March 2007, citing illness, lack of employment and insufficient income to pay off debts. It was after the bankruptcy that Lukas quest for fame kicked into high gear. DIE IN HELL! It is unclear how he met Lin Jun. Magnotta was in Paris when the authorities declared him an international fugitive. Luka Magnotta was born Eric Kirk Newman in Ontario, Canada, on July 24, 1982. Magnotta felt the footsteps enough to meet with a attorney. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Sometimes you have to be practical and pragmatic. This is a link that was provided by the company that hosts the video so I have no idea what is going on. But it tempted Magnotta to admit via another Facebook profile that he killed the kittens. What can I do? And a figure in dark clothing is standing next to him. Often shirtless. I thought that was probably a pretty good idea., Related But there was no more we could do than report him to the police. Was this the killer? Whether the video was real or a hoax, its still some sick individual behind it. Hundreds of posts about Magnotta appeared on various forums. The RSPCA is investigating a shocking act of animal cruelty that's surfaced on an Adelaide man's social media account. To that end, Barbi reached out to Joe Panz Panzarella, who had already been deluged with e-mails directing him to the video. He then hacked up the body and sent his victims left foot to the national headquarters of Canadas Conservative Party. Boyle then clicked back to 4chan to ferry people over to his Facebook page, and noticed that another user had started up a page as well one which was up to 50 followers to Boyles 20. Figure out where he is jailed and pen a letter. John Green saw 1 boy 2 kittens on 4chan. He refused to explain how he was parted from them and referred me to his lawyer. Someones companion. There is a second video of him feeding kittens to a python (NY Post). I think that is insane how u can still find the guy being killed but the kitten video has been removed. Make him suffer the same fate he delivered to others. They pointed to a section of the classic film where it shows a map outlining a plan to fly to Paris. Magnotta had lived there, but he had moved out two years prior. Yes, agreed. I was shocked but not that surprised, says Boudreault of the Montreal SPCA. Sia Barbi joined the VaccumerKitten KillerFacebook group, but wishing to remain anonymous, had done so using the alias Lee Madison. Meanwhile, the VaccumerKitten KillerFacebook group was getting chaotic. His high-pitched voice was strained and he seemed anxious that I was quizzing him. As this close up footage shows, the python has dislocated its jaws and slowly edges its fangs over the dead animals body to draw it ever inwards. Its five oclock in the morning on May 26th, 2012, and John Greens iPhone is buzzing with an incoming Facebook message. And almost always alone. .. That picture is bad enouigh,I cant watch the video.Im sorry as like Ruth I usually force myself to but to see 2 little kittens deliberately made to suffer is too much. The monster in his 20s The day after the murder, CCTV footage showed a nervous-looking Magnotta removing garbage bags from his apartment. YOU PSYCHOTIC LITTLE SHIT Without any prompting, he claimed he did not want to be hunted down and killed. As long as citizens do not attempt to be vigilantes, and stick to gathering evidence and not publically identifying a suspect, the police are ambivalent about amateur sleuths saying two things dont interfere in the investigation, and information is a one-way street. Yes Luka is a bad guy, but he is mentally ill and needed help dont go around saying he should die in hell he just needed help and if anyone of you were their to help no cats would be dead and an innocent person would be alive. Scrawled in red ink inside a closet were the words if you dont like the reflection, dont look in the mirror. Its Luka.. what kind of lunatic would do this. A hunt has been launched for a sadistic pet owner who filmed himself feeding a kitten to a python. Bye. There were times where Baudi [Moovan] and I would go, Is this a dream? The video, WebIt was a video of the python video(no animal abuse), where luka is stroking the python, then is passed the camera by this mysterious person. I sincerely hope those responsible for this video get whats coming to them. The 200 Greatest Singers of All Time He deserves to be raped with a metal stick, You fucking cunt fuck you you should be burnt alive and stabbed with a butter knife you absolute cunt, He doesnt need to go to jail just put him in a mental thing. He is a very cruel, nasty person. Im so glad they caught Luca, he needs to be in prison until he dies a painful slow death just like these kittens sadly did and the people he also murdered. I am surprised that it still exists. Jamsey had posted a video to his Facebook page of a cat in a cage being set on fire and the photos on his profile were of a teenage boy with similar facial features to the blurry green figure in the green hoodie. I dont relate. Here's how', szColor:'',whatIsThisUrl:''}), Tags: cat abusecat crueltyCat Newscat videocrimeLuka Magnotta. Olly Murs breaks down on stage over Caroline Flack 'regret', Fulham's Pereira stretchered off with suspected broken leg in worrying scenes, One dead and seven injured as knifeman goes on bloody rampage near club, We work in top seaside town - tourists queue just to get into the pub, News Group Newspapers Limited in England No. He appeared in a 2005 issue of Toronto 's fab magazine under the alias Jimmy. Got what it deserves! A month later, on April 22ndand 24th, four videos were posted by user Rita Van Volkenberg on YouTube, all with the same title, Cannibal serial Killer Luka Magnotta, but in multiple languages. REMEMBER JUN LIN, the human victim. You need to die you waste of fucking air!! The plan fell apart. He posted two more videos. The video of him killing the man is called 1 man 1 icepick, Im doing my own research on the topic, where might the video be posted. Go kys, honestly, no one would care, u worthless piece of shit. It was very brave of him to go to that pub.". that guys killed two baby cats that didnt get a shot at life, KEEP YOUR BAD THOUGHTS TO YOURSELF INSTEAD OF MAKING EVERYONE FEEL WORSE! Eventually, Boyle handed reins of the VaccumerKitten KillerFacebookgroup to Moovan, Green and Nicee Punk, who used it as an outpost for their newly formed Animal Beta Project. If you want one they have to eat somethingmany of them will only eat if they kill their own food. It appears to show a kitten being fed to a A janitor discovered a suitcase next to a mountain of garbage bags behind the building. Although pet food manufacturers vehemently denied the report, the American Veterinary Medical Association confirmed the Chronicle's story.". Green, referred to here by his online alias, logged onto the private Facebook group that he and a few other intrepid citizen sleuths had launched in an attempt to catch the man behind a video titled 1 boy 2 kittens. I have to force myself to face such things and at present my morale is too low as the other day I watched one of animals in slaughterhouses being abused and thats still in my mind a lot. But members of the VaccumerKitten Killergroup wanted proof. The poor kittens should have gotten to live a perfect life like most other cats did same thing with all of his other victims. Its heart breaking! ~ Marla. My sister said we would have to lure this person in, says Panzarella. They deserve nothing less! On January 11th, 2011, the Barbi Twins worked with extreme animal rights group Negotiation Is Over to publish an article on their site declaring Luka Magnotta as the kitten killer (though claiming he was known by the alias Jamsey CramsalotInhisass). Occasionally, a member would ask about the kitten killer: Was this bastard ever found?. Live kitten fed to burmese python | Tortoise Forum In an accompanying caption, Jimmy informed interested readers that his best attribute is my package. I had to stop watching around 1:30 i just couldnt believe someone could be so messed up to do something like that and then turn around and kill an innocent human. in Montreal were complaining of a foul smell. I think you did right to bring it to notice because its the only way to stop it. You dont need to lose your shit and wish him death just for killing two kittens. In Python Christmas, a man suspected to be Mr. Magnotta feeds a four-month-old kitten to a 17 foot long Albino Burmese Python, all while dressed as Santa Claus. And you have to sit through all these frickin videos. Rumors on message board posts about him dating Michael Jackson and Madonna. They begged the authorities for help, reminding them that serial killers from Jeffrey Dahmer to Edmund Kemper began their reigns of terror by torturing and killing animals. It is vital to the success of the website.

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