can chinchillas eat pistachios

I think I saw some packaged ones at the pet store for chinchillas. Stacy, I wouldn't allow my chin to eat peanut butter sandwichs. i guess not. Most nuts contain large amounts of fats and oils, which are harmful to chinchillas [3]. Why do people love them as pets?? i was wondering if your chinchilla poops in the pellet bowl do you just dump out the food because i have seen that since there stomachs are really senstitive will this make them sick. But, not honey nut cheerios! have you guys ever heard of this? I've been bitten by rodents & needed a tetanus just act normally some rodents get better as they are older. Chinchillas can eat strawberries, apples, and pears among a few others that made the list.However, this must be very seldom and only offered as dried fruits. I am researching how to responsibly care for them Oh ya, interesting how now that food plants have turned into weeds and there is no way to kill them with the existing Monsanto product (round up) they created a stronger toxin. Tape them together with holes to join one or two together, stack one on top with hole in floor for an entrance. There is I do out there regarding Monsanto's deadly weed killer, Roundup, finding its' way into the food chain, particularly in Cheerios. Hi, Gizmo, Aquarius' mate, suffered from serious malocclusion. Is pistachios bad for chinchillas if they eat it? as for fruits, while sugars are not ideal, certain fruits can be used in moderation. Chinchillas should have a good quality kibble to balance nutritional needs. Is your self esteem so low you must always attack people? for now he ( my chinchilla ) has not been allergic do not many things. Most of the information out there is from fur farmers, who are not concerned about teeth and lifespan and the rest is from pet food companies who love to push their brand of extruded mystery ingredients which do nothing for tooth health. Dried bananas from the store, although "organic" are generally treated with either a sulphite or coated with a long chain fatty acid like palm oil. I have worked with people with disabilities for the last 15 years and if Jane is going to be disabled that is fine with me. My chins love raisins. Bad advice, and your laughter on the topic is kinda sad, but this is just my opinion. January 20, 2022 by John Eppler. Chinchillas do not need treats. I put 2 cardboard boxes together, the second with a 4" mouse hole as entrance after going into 1st one. and I messed up and posted a pic of it. In fact, pistachios can be beneficial for chinchillas. I know a lot of people are feeding their chinchillas plain Cheerios, and I really need to look at this list because of some of the grains I am feeding ours. Shanla, It isnt safe for your chinchillas to eat peanuts because peanuts have too much fat in them. I saw on you tube that I can give her some. Is it ok to give a chinchilla a tiny piece of a oatmeal cookie? If feeding the above listed flowers or their leaves, make sure you're not feeding flowers picked from fields or areas that are routinely sprayed with any pesticides or other chemicals. birgit!!!!! Some people wont even do that. The orchids will be very harmful for ur chinchilla They are practically poisonous to humans so I imagine theyre not good for chinchillas I recommend to bring her to a vet or him. I only feed the pellets 3tbsps every 2 days, and hay is constantly refilled. I love your reply my 2female chinnies I give them fresh farm hay the same as my other rodents. CINNAMON CAN BE DEADLY TO CHINS - EVEN SMALL AMOUNTS!!! We've never fed our chinchillas corn so we have no direct experience with it. seriously! and somebody came on and said you should take it out that they would worry about them swallowing pieces of it. I hope your fur baby does better soon. Also, shredded wheat without the sugar coating is fine. Orchard grass is safe too I give them both. If you are looking for healthy treats, go with raisins, apple slices, dry cranberries, or other fruit. Sometimes critters chew on food items but don't actually Eat them, that could be a reason it's sold as a treat? I like using kiln dried pine myself but fruit bearing seeds is ok.Rosehip are an excellent treat as long as you no there's no pesticides on them.Dandelion and nasturtium petals are ok too. I don't know who told you the green were low fat when compared to the white, whomever they are was obviously beat with a stupid stick :) . Uncooked Elbow Noodle: safe, but in moderation. A dish, on the other hand, is a magnet for all sorts of things meaning you'll have to clean it quite regularly. thanks a ton for any help!!!:). It sounds like your chin thinks that his food bowl is where he should go to the bathroom. Also, shredded wheat is ok, without the frosting coating on it. This is important! Yes, wood and other chew stuff does this FOR THE INCISORS, but soft foods like pellets which satisfy every food craving they have, including hay, discourage healthy eating habits. This site has lots of natural products and my boys seem to love love love apple wood sticks, but I don't want to give them anything that would harm them. Their room stays @ 64, relative humidity less than 50%. ahem! Chinchilla pellets only. Hope this information helped! I have a white chin namad Rosalee. It's ok to give a raisin once or twice a month. I think you are confusing the question of safety between healthy. I will let them have unsweetened cheerios and unsweetened shredded wheat. In a recent conversation, he said Monsanto has given the industry a bad name. I am not slamming oxbow pellets because of that, I am slamming ALL brands of pellets as a product designed purely for lazy pet owners. While I am not a fan of pellets, some chinchilla owners find them more convenient. But all have been given a clean bill of health at every Vet Check-up they get. Also, peanut butter is known to cause constipation. Chin's produce two kinds of droppings: a soft kind loaded with protien which your chinchilla will often eat , and then the hard droppings wich are strictly waste. pistachios may also benefit from the antioxidants and phytonutrients found in these nuts. Have you just tried laying your hand in there with her for a while speaking quietly to her? You can give your chins an unsweetened shredded wheat as a treat each day. So the pet food companies may hate this, but our babies are on a no pellet diet and are incredibly healthy, as a result. magnesium, and zinc. I guess he doesn't like the pellets. This is probably because most owners aren't too educated (the number who expressed surprise that an acorn is a nut were especially concerning) She also has two full sized cages with connecting tubes to herself (48" high) Basically a ferret cage with home made pine ledges (like leaping / sleeping ledges but bigger) I am by no means an expert and would NEVER claim to be or close myself to other ideas with grandiose statements based on nothing but internet hoopla. Those chins are lucky to have you!! there are a bunch of woods that will hurt or kill them so I would look online for a list of safe woods. I just did a search for jasmine poisonous and came up with this. However, their high-fat content isnt healthy for chinchillas, so pistachios should only be given as a treat on occasion. I may incorporate some things you suggested as well into my chins diet. Dark leafy greens are not recommended as they can make chinchillas sick. I just got my first chinchilla almost two weeks ago, and she has made a habit out of going under my bedside table as a hiding spot when she has free time to run around my room. I'm looking to by snacks and treats in bulk to save some money. He had the sniffles and was dead a few hours later. :). Especially on raisins. I just got a male Chinchilla and I want to know if giving him house products like fruits and vegetables are good for him and won't do him harm? Raisins help prevent constipation and every ranch in the world that doesnt kill there chinchillas for coats gives them raisins. Apparently it is poisonous. Chinchillas can get liver damage from too much fat content. The house was hot with no AC. I have a far longer list of what I give to my animals and they are nice and healthy animals :) Here is an interesting one which comes complete with a very difficult to digest protien Chinchillas shouldn't be given meat of any kind. I hope this information helped! NOTE I AM NOT SUGGESTING ANYONE FEED THEIR CHINCHILLAS LOTUS FLOWER. What Vegetables Can Chinchillas Eat? [List] - Your Chinchilla Pet Care I've been considering it as a treat. Protein - 16-20%. I never tried prunes with my first but I let this one have a small piece. smaller than a raisin, and she LOVED it. is so, how can i? So like a grain of sand. If the teeth get too long the either start to curve to the side or they get pushed up and downwards by the other teeth. geez! or if it's safe?? I also give them very tiny, tiny amounts of dried cranberries. She sent dried gummy fruits and the "recommend diet" so restrictive so I'm asking the successful carers of happy chinchillas! so you should judge for yourself whats good and how much. It is also necessary for the production of enzymes and hormones. They both seem to recognize their names. Raisins have a moderately high sugar content. Note: Every chinchilla is different and just because a food is listed as safe doesn't guarantee that your chinchilla won't have a bad reaction. I had to show my dad because he didn't believe me when I said chinchillas can't have skittles because they can't digest sugar. Don't reach into their home or try to pick them up, chase them, all the things you wouldn't want done to you! You want to make sure you give yours the right ones and prevent issues such as food poisoning or worse. Treats are given because people think they need to do so. It's carbs I know, but he's loves it and he's doing just fine. In response to hates vegans. Do you think this is a bad idea? They are happy and healthy! Serving Size: One rosehip per day. malocclusion? I personally have seen chinchillas who have lived to be 20+ years old, they were never feed junk, just quality hay and pellets. Domesticating an animal does NOT change it's needs. When they're out running, always leave home open as they're safe house. She only ate some daisy and orchid petals and I was wondering if these will be harmful to her?!

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can chinchillas eat pistachios